Why 93% of global managers have adopted an ecosystem mindset

As more and more leaders are developing an ecosystem mindset, should you be integrating this model into your business in order to remain competitive?

What is an ecosystem workforce?

A workforce ecosystem is defined as a system in which a workforce is open, with correlating values and organisational culture across both internal and external intermediaries.

We’ve already seen this mindset adopted by many successful businesses including Airbnb, Uber, and Amazon.

From efficiency to imagination, capturing value to creating value, inward focus to outward focus and hierarchy to collaboration, the ecosystem mindset is all about shifting business mindsets!

Why are businesses shifting to the ecosystem workforce strategy?
  • Talent shortages– Organisations are seeking external intermediaries to fill their roles, therefore this inclusive system allows company values to be understood clearly across both internal and external operations.
  • The influence of digital technology – With technological developments, individuals are working flexibly with the introduction of hybrid and remote work. Operating as an ecosystem allows organisations to operate in alignment with their intermediaries.
  • Generational differences – Research suggests younger generations are evidencing shifting working patterns, therefore businesses integrating the ecosystem mindset can show a willingness to understand employees work preferences.
Why are ecosystems beneficial to a workforce?
  • Ecosystems create value through their open communication and relationship construction, as they integrate intermediaries across a business.
  • They offer flexible, inclusive, and agile business operations that benefit both employees work preferences and business operations.

Now we’ve looked at ecosystem benefits to both employees and businesses, let’s take a look at how exactly this mindset can be adopted!

How can you integrate an effective ecosystem as a leader
  • Empower – Allow employees to be empowered by their job by sharing roles and sharing rewards, instead of taking an individualised approach.
  • Encourage – Stimulate collaboration and critical thinking amongst the team.
  • Prioritise – Ensure networking and collaboration of resources & knowledge are prioritised to support your team!
  • Co-operate, co-create and value-share!

As we’ve seen, ecosystem mindsets can be notably useful and powerful to effective business operations, but what are the risks?

What are the challenges of adopting an ecosystem mindset?

Whilst ecosystems have significant operational benefits, managing a plethora of internal and external intermediaries can be challenging for leaders.

Alongside managing challenges, trust can also impact the success of an effective ecosystem, as leaders are required to trust their intermediaries for effective communications and operations.

Therefore, it is important to consider how this could affect you as a leader and how you could combat these challenges!

What can we learn?

As a leader, adopting an ecosystem mindset can be incredibly valuable for creating effective and progressive business operations through open communication, flexible working, and shared business values across intermediaries.

This can be achieved through encouraging collaboration, networking, and value sharing across business intermediaries.

This doesn’t come without its challenges, but it is valuable for the ever-changing working world!