Job Action Day

Job Action Day is here! At T2M Resourcing, we are celebrating by showing you how to find your ideal role and progress your professional life.

Job action day

Do you find yourself dreaming of having a job that you’re more passionate about? Have you found your personal satisfaction from your current job slipping? Is your current company not offering you the progression you desire?

Job Action Day was created with the purpose of encouraging job seekers to think outside the box, and to focus on getting a job that fits their ambitions. This day was created in order to help people at all stages of their professional lives assess their careers, make career-oriented plans, and encourage them to take action.

Job Action Day is all about exploring the different opportunities available to you, maybe even ones you didn’t know were there!

How to celebrate Job Action Day

Explore your options!

First, assess where you currently are in your career and consider what you want to get out of your work life. Focus on the things about your current role that you’re passionate about.

You can revive your job search by starting to broaden your mind on what’s an acceptable position for you to take. We recommend that you remain mindful and always let yourself look at the possibilities in a position before dismissing it as something that doesn’t fit your passions.


Prepare before applying

Even if you haven’t found a role you want to apply for yet, you should make sure your CV is up to date, carefully proofread and ready to be submitted. You want your CV to be ready ahead of time so that you’re not rushing it while in a last minute race to hit that ‘apply’ button as quickly as possible! Preparing ahead of time will ensure that you’ve not accidentally missed any vital experience, achievements or qualifications out during a last minute rush!

Build your network! Networking and building professional relations can provide you with valuable connections, advice and opportunities.


Don’t ‘find the time’, make it 

Take action. If your career is important to you then you should make the time to dedicate to progressing it.

If you’ve been considering a career move for a while but keep putting it off, Job Action Day is the perfect day to take that step forward and apply for jobs now!

Don’t know where to start your search? Check out our vacancies!


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